2D Carbon Structures

NumberNameBuilding blocksBand gapSymmetryReference
1DHQ-graphene4+6+10metalCmmmJournal of Materials Chemistry A 7.15 (2019): 8967-8974.
2xgraphene5+6+7metalThe journal of physical chemistry letters (2019).
3CG568-3206+80.25 eVPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20.14 (2018): 9123-9129
4β5-graphyne5+12+270.52 eVJournal of Materials Chemistry C 6.28 (2018): 7626-7634.
5Θ-graphene5+6+80.58 eVC2mmEnergy Storage Materials 16 (2019): 619-624
64,12,2-graphyne4+120 (with Dirac point)p4mmThe journal of physical chemistry letters6.15 (2015): 2959-2962.
74,12,4-graphyne4+12+200 (with Dirac point)p4mmThe journal of physical chemistry letters6.15 (2015): 2959-2962.
86,6,12-graphyne6+12+140 (with Dirac cone)pmm Physical review letters108.8 (2012): 086804.
9Anisotropic-Cyclicgraphene3+170.829 eVMaterials11.3 (2018): 432.
10biphenylene4+6+8metalACS nano 4.8 (2010): 4565-4570
11Bp-sheet4+6+8Chemical Physics Letters 612 (2014): 229-233
12butterfly-graphyne (B-graphyne)5+12+15metalJournal of Materials Chemistry C 6.28 (2018): 7626-7634.
13C31-sheet3+9metalJournal of Materials Chemistry C 1.23 (2013): 3677-3680
14C41-sheet4+7metalJournal of Materials Chemistry C 1.23 (2013): 3677-3680
15C63-sheet3+6+8metalJournal of Materials Chemistry C 1.23 (2013): 3677-3680
16C65-sheet5+6+9metalJournal of Materials Chemistry C 1.23 (2013): 3677-3680
17carbon network of fused pentagons5+12metalJapanese Journal of Applied Physics 53.6S (2014): 06JD02
18CG568-1806+81.07 eVPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20.14 (2018): 9123-9129
19CG568-806+80.91 eVPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20.14 (2018): 9123-9129
20cp-graphyne5+12+16semimetalP4/mbmACS Omega2.10 (2017): 6822-6830.
21Cy4+6+8+12+18metalPmmmPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18.2 (2016): 1172-1177
22Cz4+6+8+140.858 eVPmmmPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18.2 (2016): 1172-1177
23D-graphene5+6+10+110 (with Dirac point)Nanoscale 6.2 (2014): 1113-1118
24DHP-graphene5+6+10metalCmmScientific reports 7.1 (2017): 14948.
25Dimerite5+6+7Carbon 47.9 (2009): 2226-2232
26dodecagraphene (D-graphene)4+6+12Physical Review B 100.16 (2019): 165401
27egg-tray graphene H15+6+70.32 eVnpj Computational Materials 5.1 (2019): 1-8.
28egg-tray graphene H25+6+70.69 eVnpj Computational Materials 5.1 (2019): 1-8.
29egg-tray graphene H35+6+70.43 eVnpj Computational Materials 5.1 (2019): 1-8.
30egg-tray graphene H45+6+70 eVnpj Computational Materials 5.1 (2019): 1-8.
31egg-tray graphene T15+6+70.51 eVnpj Computational Materials 5.1 (2019): 1-8.
32egg-tray graphene T25+6+70.22 eVnpj Computational Materials 5.1 (2019): 1-8.
33E-graphene4+60 (with Dirac point)Nanoscale 6.2 (2014): 1113-1118
34fused C26 polyhedra (phase I)5+6+8+10metalphysica status solidi (c)10.11 (2013): 1620-1623
35fused C26 polyhedra (phase II)5+6+8+10metalphysica status solidi (c)10.11 (2013): 1620-1623
36graphdiyne6+180.46 eVACS nano 5.4 (2011): 2593-2600.
37graphene60 (with Dirac cone)p6mNature Materials 6 (2007): 183-191.
38graphenylene4+6+120.025 eVJournal of Materials Chemistry C 1.1 (2013): 38-41
39graphyne6+120.53 eVPhysical Review B58.16 (1998): 11009.
40graphyne-36+240.56 eVThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117.28 (2013): 14804-14811.
41graphyne-46+300.54 eVThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117.28 (2013): 14804-14811.
42H4,4,4-graphyne4+12+240 (with Dirac point)Carbon141 (2019): 712-718.
43H5,6,75+6+7metalPhysical review letters 84.8 (2000): 1716
44Hexa-C205+63.28 eVP6/mmmNanoscale 10.13 (2018): 6099-6104
45H-net4+6+82.11 eVP42mPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16.34 (2014): 18118-18123
46HOP graphene5+6+8metalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15.48 (2013): 21001-21006.
47hP-C18 carbon6+82.93 eVP6/mmmCarbon 143 (2019): 517-522
48hP-C23-2D3+5+64.36 eVP6m2Computational Materials Science 167 (2019): 8-12.
49lipentoctahexatite5+6+8metalPhysica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 87 (2017): 107-111.
50m-30-h6metalNanoscale 12.1 (2020): 347-355
51m-30-to4+6+8metalNanoscale 12.1 (2020): 347-355
52m-40-h6+8metalNanoscale 12.1 (2020): 347-355
53m-40-to4+6+8metalNanoscale 12.1 (2020): 347-355
54m-50-h6+10metalNanoscale 12.1 (2020): 347-355
55m-50-to4+6+8+10metalNanoscale 12.1 (2020): 347-355
56m-60-h6+12metalNanoscale 12.1 (2020): 347-355
57m-60-to4+6+8+12metalNanoscale 12.1 (2020): 347-355
58net-C4+6+82eVChemical physics letters 272.1-2 (1997): 111-114.
59net-Y4+6+8metalPmmmCarbon 135 (2018): 21-28.
60net-τ4+5+6+8+10metalPmmmCarbon 142 (2019): 438-444
61new-W4+6+8metalCmmmPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15.6 (2013): 2024-2030.
62O5,6,75+6+7metalPhysical review letters 84.8 (2000): 1716
63Octite5+6+81.2 eV Physical Review B 82.7 (2010): 073410
64OPG-L5+8metalCmmmPhysical Review B87.7 (2013): 075453
65OPG-Z5+8semimetalPmamPhysical Review B87.7 (2013): 075453
66PBCF-Graphene9+121.355 eVP6/mmmChemNanoMat 6.1 (2020): 139-147.
67PCF-Graphene100.77 eVCmmmThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123.7 (2019): 4567-4573
68Penta-graphene53.25 eVP-421mProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences112.8 (2015): 2372-2377
69pentaheptite5+7metalPhysical Review B 53.20 (1996): R13303
71pentahexoctite5+6+8metalCmmScientific reports 4 (2014): 7164
72phagraphene5+6+70 (with Dirac cone)Nano letters 15.9 (2015): 6182-6186
73PHE-graphene5+6+9metalP6m2RSC advances 9.1 (2019): 92-98.
74Popgraphene5+8metalJournal of Materials Chemistry A 6.16 (2018): 6815-6821.
75pza-C105+6+70.71 eVP2/MThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3.22 (2012): 3373-3378
76R5,75+7metalPhysical review letters 84.8 (2000): 1716
77R-graphyne4+16metalJournal of Materials Chemistry A 1.17 (2013): 5341-5346
78S-graphene4+6+100 (with Dirac point)Nanoscale 6.2 (2014): 1113-1118
79Spirographite6metal Journal of the American Chemical Society 116.25 (1994): 11456-11464
80T4,4,4-graphyne4+6+180.63 eVp6m2Solid State Communications 293 (2019): 23-27.
81tetra-penta-hepta(TPH)-graphene4+5+7Journal of the American Chemical Society 141.44 (2019): 17713-17720.
82tetra-penta-octagonal graphene4+5+8metalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics21.44 (2019): 24758-24767.
83T-graphene4+8metalPhysical review letters 108.22 (2012): 225505.
84THD-graphene4+6+121.05 eVMaterials Chemistry and Physics 200 (2017): 50-56
85TO-C103.97 eVPbanACS Omega 4.3 (2019): 5002-5011
86twin graphene6+121.0 eVP6/mmmCarbon 118 (2017): 370-375.
87two-dimensionally polymerized C44+8metalJapanese Journal of Applied Physics 53.3 (2014): 035103
88X-graphene3+8+10metalMaterials Chemistry and Physics 202 (2017): 7-14
89Y-graphene5+6+8metalMaterials Chemistry and Physics 202 (2017): 7-14
90α-graphyne180 (with Dirac cone)p6m Physical review letters108.8 (2012): 086804.
91β4-graphyne4+12+240 (with Dirac point)Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6.28 (2018): 7626-7634.
92β6-graphyne6+12+300.95 eVJournal of Materials Chemistry C 6.28 (2018): 7626-7634.
93β-graphyne12+180 (with Dirac cone)p6m Physical review letters108.8 (2012): 086804.
94γ-Graphyne6+120.94 eVCarbon 96 (2016): 879-887
95δ-graphyne6+140.59 meVScientific reports 3 (2013): 3532.
96ψ-Graphene5+6+7metalP2mgThe journal of physical chemistry letters 8.14 (2017): 3234-3241
97 123-E8Y24-116+240 (with Dirac node)P4/mmmNanoscale, 2021,13, 3564-3571
98TTH-carbon4+63.23 eV
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021,23, 2906-2913
99TPH-I carbon
2.704 eV
Applied Surface Science, 2020, 537.
100TPH-II carbon
2.361 eV
Applied Surface Science, 2020, 537.
150.977 eV
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020,8, 16143-16150
Carbon, 2020, 170.
103 TAL-carbon
1.614 eV
Computational Materials Science, 2020, 185:109904.
Energy & Environmental Materials, 2020.
 2.04 eV
Nanoscale, 2020,12, 19359-19366
106C18 sheet
Applied Surface Science, 2020, 521:146456.
107Tetrahexcarbon4+63.70 eVCmmeCarbon 137 (2018) 266-273
108C5685+6+81.13 eVP-4m2Carbon 158 (2020) 827-835